A Solid Reputation Built on 50 Years of Experience
Storm Drains / Channels
KEC Engineering has built numerous flood control projects in the most difficult conditions. Our drainage projects include all varieties of reinforced concrete box, open concrete channels, rip-rap lined channels and large diameter reinforced concrete pipe.
Stonegate Reinforced Concrete Box Storm Drain
- Owner: Irvine Community Development Company
- Location: Irvine, CA
- Value: $8.5 Million
- Year: 2006 – 2008
5,000 LF of 7′ x 10′ R.C.B. Storm Drain 2,500 LF of 18″ to 54″ R.C.P.
Tustin District Reinforced Concrete Box
- Owner: Vestar/Kimco Tustin L.P.
- Location: Tustin, CA
- Value: $7.9 Million
- Year: 2006 – 2007
3,500 LF of Double 5′ x 9′ R.C.B.
Rancho Etiwanda Storm Drain & Channel
- Owner: CYYC / BCA Development
- Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
- Value: $5.0 Million
- Year: 2005 – 2006
4,500 LF of Trapezoidal Channel & R.C.B. 3,000 LF of 84″ to 90″ R.C.P.
Stroube Drain
- Owner: Shea Homes / Riverpark Legacy
- Location: Oxnard, CA
- Value: $11.5 Million
- Year: 2004 – 2005
8,000 LF of 10′ x 10′ Reinforced Concrete Box

Roadways / Bridges
KEC has been involved in the construction of many of the freeways throughout Southern California. We have built several overpasses and railroad grade separations. Most of our underground projects include realignment or repairs to existing roadways.
Greenspot Road Bridge
- Owner: City of Highland
- Location: City of Highland, CA
- Value: $8.5 Million
- Year: 2014 – 2015
New structural concrete bridge and rehab existing two lane bridge
South Fork Bridge
- Owner: San Bernardino County
- Location: Lytle Creek, CA
- Value: $1.6 Million
- Year: 2011 – 2012
Replacement of existing bridge over Lytle Creek
Haven Ave Underpass
- Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga
- Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
- Value: $14.5 Million
- Year: 2008- 2010
Roadway and railroad grade separation and street improvements
‘B’ Street Grade Separation
- Owner: City of Industry
- Location: City of Industry, CA
- Value: $9.1 Million
- Year: 2001 – 2003
Roadway and railroad grade separation with 1,000 LF of R.C.B.

Sitework / Retaining Walls
KEC Engineering’s experienced Carpenters and Cement Masons have built retaining walls, walkways and various hardscape structures at several schools, racetracks and other recreation areas. We have the skills required to provide any type of architectural detail and custom concrete finish.
Harry Bridges Buffer Retaining Walls
- Owner: Griffith Company / Port of Los Angeles
- Location: San Pedro, CA
- Value: $1.2 Million
- Year: 2009
2,200 LF of 15′ Retaining Walls with Architectural Finishes
Oak Glen Creek Basins
- Owner: City of Yucaipa
- Location: Yucaipa, CA
- Value: $4.2 Million
- Year: 2008 – 2009
Series of three detention basins 45 to 50 acre-ft each
El Toro Retaining Wall
- Owner: County of Orange
- Location: Laguna Hills, CA
- Value: $0.6 Million
- Year: 2002 – 2003

Pipelines / Emergency Work
KEC’s projects include pipeline installations, relocations and rehabilitations for municipal water systems, sanitation districts and private developers. We are able to respond at a moments notice with the personnel and equipment necessary to analyze any emergency situation and complete all repairs immediately.
Orchard Hills Sewer & Storm Drain Improvements
- Owner: Irvine Community Development Company
- Location: Irvine, CA
- Value: $19.8 Million
- Year: 2006 – 2008
25,000 LF of 18″ to 96″ R.C.P. Storm Drain 17,000 LF of 8″ to 20″ Water & Sewer Line 8,000 LF of 3″ to 5″ PVC Conduit
Offsite Infrastructure Improvements PA 9A
- Owner: Irvine Community Development Company
- Location: Irvine, CA
- Value: $17.4 Million
- Year: 2003 – 2005
40,000 LF of 3″ to 5″ Dry Utility Conduit 20,000 LF of 8″ to 30″ Water & Sewer Line 4,000 LF of 18″ to 96″ R.C.P. Storm Drain 6,000 LF of 11′ x 16′ Reinforced Concrete Box